

Holiday Inn Express

Bugsby Way

North Greenwich


SE10 0GD

Venue Facilities

  • Illustration of train North Greenwich Underground Station approx. 0.7 mi
  • Illustration of coffee cup Cafe approx. 0.2 mi
  • Illustration of car On-site parking available (free if registered at Reception, otherwise paid)

COVID-19 information

Find out the latest information on wearing face coverings when attending our training courses.

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Greenwich training venue directions

By Car

The venue is situated just off the A102 road, 0.9 miles from the 02 Arena and North Greenwich tube station, bus terminal and Emirates airline. The hotel is approximately a 10-12 minute walk from the tube station.

By Bus

Nearby bus routes, which all stop at North Greenwich (02 Arena) are: 108, 132, 161, 188, 422, 472, 486, 472 & 129. Bus route 422 stops near the hotel.

By Train

Westcombe Park Station is 1 mile.


Parking is available (give the vehicle registration number to reception on arrival).


Look at the courses at this venue.