Brighton seafront and promenade

Start location

Preston Park

Preston Road



Event facilities

Raising £1000 could pay for an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), which can prove vital to the resuscitation process following a cardiac arrest.

Join #teamSJA

Rapidly becoming one of the most popular marathons in the UK, the Brighton Marathon sees thousands of runners coming together in this vibrant city.

Breathe in the fresh sea air and enjoy a buzzing atmosphere as the course takes you from Preston Park, and all the way along Brighton's seafront.

Run for us and we’ll be with you every step of the way – literally. Our dedicated volunteers will be lining the route, ready if you need them to pick you up, dust you down and get you over the finish line!

We'll support you every step of the way

We’ll be there to help you meet your fundraising target and to make the most out of your marathon experience.

Our support package includes:

  • training and fundraising support
  • a St John Ambulance running vest
  • cheers from the St John Ambulance team out on the course
  • a certificate showing your fundraising total.

Got a question?

If you have a question or would like to find out more about our events, our fundraising team would be happy to help.


‘I felt very privileged to be running for St John Ambulance, who were extremely supportive. The whole city was out to cheer us on and the day was exciting, friendly, and vibrant.' - Roz, runner

Join #TeamSJA

Already got a place in the Brighton Marathon?

If you already have your own place we would love to have you join our team. We don’t have a minimum sponsorship target, but any funds you can raise would be hugely appreciated. You'll receive the same support as a charity place runner.