London Marathon runner

Start location

Greenwich Park


SE10 8XJ

Event facilities

We'll support you every step of the way

We’ll be there to help you meet your fundraising target and to make the most out of your marathon experience.

Our support package includes:

  • Professional training support
  • Access to our official Fundraising Events Facebook group where you can chat to follow runners
  • Dedicated events team to support you with your training and fundraising throughout your journey.
  • St John Ambulance official running vest
  • Cheers of support along the route from our dedicated cheers points – as well as our 1,400 volunteers who will be proving first aid on the day
  • Post-race reception with massages, refreshments and goody bags to celebrate your achievement
  • An information and training day to help you prepare for the race.

Have your own place?

If you were lucky enough to get a ballot place in this year's London Marathon - we'd love for you to join #teamSJA. We'll support you every step of the way.

Register your ballot place 

Got a question?

If you have a question or would like to find out more about our events, our fundraising team would be happy to help.


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