The Badger uniform

Badgers attending sett meetings wear:

  • a St John Ambulance polo shirt
  • a St John Ambulance sweatshirt
  • baseball cap (optional)
  • black trousers with black socks, or a black skirt with white socks or black tights
  • black shoes.

Badgers wear their full uniform for parades, community events, competitions, and other formal activities.

The Cadet uniform

All Cadets wear a uniform which mirrors our adult volunteer uniform.

Cadets attending unit activities and training wear:

  • a St John Ambulance polo shirt
  • black trousers
  • black footwear
  • brassard (optional)
  • baseball cap (optional).

Cadets who are helping to provide first aid at events wear:

  • service delivery uniform shirt
  • service delivery combat trousers
  • black socks and shoes
  • award badges can be displayed on the brassard, worn on the left arm.

For certain ceremonial events, Cadet of the Year and the Lord Mayor's Show, Cadets wear:

  • ceremonial uniform with Cadet markings
  • appropriate aiguillette (ornamental braided cord).

Where can I get the uniform?

Please speak with your unit manager who will be able to advise you on how you can get your uniform.

If you are concerned about the cost of uniform, please speak to your unit manager as we may be able to offer financial assistance where needed. To learn more about this, please read our information for parents and carers.

Got a question? Get in touch.