Who is this lesson for?

This lesson is suitable for pupils in Key Stage 2.

What is included in the lesson?

The teaching resources include a lesson plan, a presentation, worksheets, and suggested activities.

  1. ensure the safety of themselves and others

  2. assess a casualty’s condition calmly and identify an allergic reaction to a bite or sting

  3. comfort and reassure a casualty who has been bitten or stung

  4. seek medical help if required.

Related first aid advice and techniques...

Animal bites

If an animal bite breaks the skin, you need to treat it to prevent the risk of infection. Learn what to do.

Insect stings

Insect stings can be painful but are not usually dangerous. However, stings to the mouth or throat can be more serious. Find out what to do.

Severe allergic reaction

An allergy is an abnormal reaction to an allergen or ‘trigger’ substance. A severe allergic reaction is called anaphylactic shock. Find out what to look for and what to do.