St John International - The Order of St John

St John International, formally known as The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, is a global organisation of humanitarian charities. It works in countries around the world.

Its projects include:

  • saving the lives of mothers and babies
  • providing first aid
  • disaster preparedness
  • medical facilities
  • and community care.

St John Ambulance is one of the many subsidiary charities of St John International. We are governed by The Priory of England and the Islands of the Order of St John, which is in turn governed by St John International.

To find out more about The Order of St John and The Priory of England and the Islands, visit their website

You can also find out more via the Museum of the Order of St John.

Sister organisations in the UK and Ireland:

St John Fellowship

The St John Fellowship is an association of former volunteers and employees. They are from any part of the Order of St John, including St John Ambulance.

The St John Fellowship has 224 branches worldwide. It is a community that supports its members and helps them stay in touch through social events. Especially people who are housebound or those who are in hospital or residential homes who would benefit from visits and outings. 

It also supports the charitable activities of St John foundations worldwide. For example, fundraising to support the St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem, and acting as 'casualties' during national first aid competitions.

Johanniter International (JOIN)

Johanniter International (JOIN) is a partnership of 16 national charity organisations with shared values.